Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
The urge to reproduce sexually is older than religion and social pressures, far more important to the survival of the species, and will ALWAYS beat out both of them, on average, when push comes to shove.
I remember Maslow's hierarchy of needs for humans, as I recall things like food and shelter came before sex.
Ace, you keep going back and forth about supporting this kind of education or that kind of education...point blank question here, with extremely limited weasel room:
Should schools give statistically accurate unbiased information about available birth control and STI prevention methods?
Should schools provide information on how to use those methods correctly?
Should schools provide information regarding disease transmission statistics, for the full spectrum of sexual behaviors, with and without various types of protection?
I am not going to trust the school to provide those two (edit: three) things, by the way. I have a daughter, so this isn't just theoretical for me. She is statistically going to have sex when she is a teenager. I want to delay this until I feel like she is mature enough, obviously, but I also know that as a father, I'll likely have a hard time EVER feeling she's ready. However, despite my gut feeling (and accompanying shotgun purchase), I want to ensure that when she chooses to have sex, she uses a condom--the first time and every time.
edited to add question about sexual behaviors
I also want the schools to talk about the poverty rates of children born from single teen mothers.
I want the schools to talk about and show the consequences of STD's
I want the school to talk about what rape is, and the rights they have.
I don't want schools passing out condoms.
I don't want counselors giving medical advise on birth control pills for individual girls.
I want the schools to educate teens about the porn industry, prostitution, sexual slavery, etc., in a factual manner.
I have no problem with information and education. But the schools should adopt a policy of abstinence being the expectation for teens. I don't want a wink, wink, we know you are going to do it attitude.