Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Ace, what makes you think a teenager would be more inclined to abstain than to practice safe sex? Do you think it takes more discipline for a teenager to abstain from sex or to put on a condom?
It is interesting that 70% of teenage boys said they used a condom but only 56% of girls said they used a condom. If 70% or 56% say they used a condom I bet the number is actually lower. I am betting 100% know what a condom is and why they might want to use one. I doubt education is the problem. I do not think teens have the discipline to safely engage in sex. I think as a society that we send a message to teens that abstinence is what is expected and that sexual activity has risks.
One of the statistics I saw showed that those who are exposed to sexual content on television overestimate the sexual activity of peers. I think the social pressure put on teens to be sexually active is too high, and I think a permissive attitude from schools would make the problem worse. Between 1991 and 2005 there was a decrease in the percentage of teens who reported they had sex. Our goal should be to drive the number lower.
Like I have written several times, I don't want a school passing out condoms giving children the false impression that the presence of a condom makes sex safe. I have no problem with education, however schools are not the place to give guidance or counseling on how teens should engage in sex.
I am still not clear on where some of you would draw the line. Is it 12? 11? 10? I know it is arbitrary, but I draw the line at the age of majority - until then the answer from schools or other institutions should be - abstain. One more time - I am not saying don't educate.