Originally Posted by underdun
Just a question for the golfers. I hit left and for the longest time I couldn't hit my driver without a nasty slice but I could hit my irons well enough to keep up with other people. The driver wasn't anything special it was a Dunlop that came with set. I picked up a Mizuno (cant remember which one exactly) sometime in the winter and my slice went away, its asif my club corrected the slice. I was driving between 275 - 300 and couldnt hit a slice if my life depended on it. I went up to camp for a week and was playing 1 or 2 rounds a day and everything was fine. Now that im back home im slicing with my driver again and im hooking with my irons. I know my stance and swing are fine but does anybody have any tips on what i could try to correct both?
I corrected my slice by learning to hit a draw.
I don't believe in instruction which says "Don't so this!" - it's a negative thought. So I just learned how to do something positive instead - and that was to hit a draw. Now I can hit the draw or hit it straight very reliably with power, or hit a fade with a little less oomph.