Originally Posted by savmesom11
The truth of the matter is this man is not going to find what he is looking for somewhere else. I have had amazing lovers who would have made AWFUL husbands and terrible lovers whom I could have spent my whole life with.....the issue is not about what he is missing in his relationship but what he is missing within himself. This cycle will continue for him and any relationship he is in if he doesn't figure out what he needs and is craving out of life.
You are right with the issue part. Dead on to be exact. However, you have had great lovers and bad lovers. This guy has had one and how the hell is he to know if she is a bad one or a great one. I think that the OP thinks she is a bad one, or else he probably wouldn't be thinking this.
The OP's question could have been written by myself a year ago. I know exactly what he is talking about. I am now divorced.