Originally Posted by ratbastid
This is really simple.
You gave your word to be a specific way with her, when you stood at the altar (or whatever) with her.
Until you explicitly re-define that word, that promise you made is still in effect.
None of your whining changes the fact that you promised something fairly specific that day. Buyers who get buyers remorse are still buyers.
Be a man of your word.
Thank you Ratbastid....maybe I am a bitch but I think you are a selfish kid who isn't getting his rocks off the way he sees others getting theirs on the net so now he wants to check things out for himself. I mean really, who do you think you are? You don't get married if your not ready for it to be forever! Yeah people grow and change...the point is to grow and change WITH each other not away from each other. There are couples out in the real world dealing with REAL life stresses that could contribute to divorce in understandable terms....the fact that you just want to bag some other chick is not understandable or acceptable. Get it together, work on your marriage. If you put half the effort into her that you do thinking about the other women out there you could possibly become more happy than you ever imagined.
You can't imagine the heartache or destruction your actions might cause when you walk away for the sole purpose of sexual gratification. Your wife satisfied you once she can do it again.