Originally Posted by highthief
1) Ridiculous weather - when it's -30c plus a windchill as it can get around here, or when the road is a sheet of ice, it's pretty fucking stupid to run outside. Trust me frostbite sucks as does twisting an ankle on the ice. It's a real issue in northern climes, and I imagine some seriously hot days in the south can present similar obstacles. July in Atlanta anyone?
Maybe I'm a hardass this way, but I've yet to find the weather that I couldn't run in. I went to high school in East Tennessee and ran in the summer. I lived in Central Iowa and ran in the summer AND the winter. I lived in Atlanta in the summer and ran. I lived outside of LA and ran year-round.
I've run in ice storms, through hail, in lightening (although I don't recommend that one and it wasn't on purpose), within a mile of a tornado (again, not recommended or on purpose) and in a heat index above 130 F. Were those particularly smart things to do? For most folks, probably not. For someone who was acclimated to the conditions and prepared for them with the right equipment and hydration, etc.? It wasn't a bad thing.
If you're going to run in extreme weather (and you get to decide exactly what that is), just make sure that you're overprepared. If it's heat, make sure you're peeing every 5 minutes from overhydration before you set out. If it's cold, make sure you're going to have to be peeling back layers to keep from overheating. If it does fit with your definition of "extreme" you should definitely run with someone else so that you have help if you get into serious trouble.
Unless it is physically dangerous - as in you're going to get hit by something - get your ass out for a run.
But again, maybe I'm just a hardass. I'll admit that I did get off on the idea that I was out for a run on days when my competition would be worried about the weather.