Originally Posted by hereticalideas.com
Is Barack Obama An American Citizen?
By Alex Knapp
Those who claim that Obama is a citizen rely too heavily on the metaphysical premise that reality is perceivable and knowable.
July 24, 2009
During the 2008 Presidential campaign, a rumor began circulating on fringe internet websites that Barack Obama was not, in fact, an American citizen. It was claimed that he was not born in the state of Hawaii, and because his mother was not yet nineteen and his father a British citizen, this meant that Barack Obama was not, legally, a citizen of the United States.
Despite its fringe nature, those who believe this to be true (often called “Birthers”) have been very loud in the media as of late. CNN host Lou Dobbs has expressed his skepticism that Obama is an American citizen. So, too, have prominent conservatives Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, and Liz Cheney.
It might seem, to the average person, that the “Birthers” must have a tough time proving their case. After all, Barack Obama has released his Certification of Live Birth (pictured above), which meets all the requirements for proving one’s citizenship to the State Department. The authenticity of the certificate has been verified by Hawaii state government. Moreover, Barack Obama’s birth announcement was found in two newspapers at the time, and such notices were provided directly by the Hawaii Department of Health.
Faced with this overwhelming evidence, the average person will no doubt shrug and consider the case closed. There is no question that the evidence points to the conclusion that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is therefore a “natural-born citizen.”
No question, that is, if you accept the dominant paradigm of metaphysical realism. That is, the idea that things exist independent of the mind and that those things are perceivable and knowable. Moreover, those who insist that Barack Obama is an American citizen also rely on philosophic naturalism–the idea that reality is subject to objective, knowable natural laws that can’t be tampered with.
However, if one rejects these two philosophic concepts, it’s quite easy to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States.
Cognitive Relativism Shows That Obama Is Not A Citizen
Cognitive relativism is a school of philosophic thought that holds that an idea is only true if it is true within a particular conceptual framework that is subjective to an individual or a particular social group. With respect to the Birthers, then, we can see how Barack Obama is not an American citizen. The conceptual framework makes this an impossibility. After all, according to the Birthers, it is impossible for the short-form Certification of Live Birth to be acceptable proof that Barack Obama because their conceptual framework simply doesn’t allow for this to be true.
Accordingly, it must then be true that Barack Obama’s step-Grandmother saw him born in Kenya, even though she specifically denies that claim. Sarah Obama’s denial simply does not fit in with the conceptual framework of the Birthers, and so what she says cannot be true, and Barack Obama must have been born in Kenya. It’s a simple as that. Thus, because Barack Obama was born in Kenya, the law in 1961 means that his mother’s citizenship was not sufficient to grant American citizenship to Barack Obama. Therefore, Barack Obama is not a citizen.
The Law Of Attraction Shows That Obama Is Not A Citizen
Proving that Barack Obama is not an American citizen is not necessarily dependent on cognitive relativism. Other explanations exist as well. For example, in her book The Secret, Rhonda Byrne has discovered the heretofore unknown “Law of Attraction.” This “Law”, which according to Byrne underlies the entire functioning of the universe, states that thoughts themselves have an “energy” that is capable of controlling the universe by “attracting” reality to one’s thoughts. This is not easy, but it can happen with just a few steps:
1. Know what you want and ask the universe for it.
2. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
3. Be open to receiving it.
For the Birthers, what they want is unequivocal proof that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore not a citizen. Now, if the Birthers follow these three steps, the universe will make it happen. Indeed, since the Law of Attraction underlies the universe (no matter what science and reason dictate), it is very clear that when the Birthers follow these three steps, the very structure of space-time will alter. We will find Obama’s certified birth certificate fade, Back to the Future style, replaced with documents showing that he was really born in Kenya.
Impeachment will soon follow.
The Norse Myths Show That Obama Is Not A Citizen
Another metaphysical possibility demonstrating that Obama is not a citizen is Norse Mythology. Prominent in Norse myth is the God Loki, who is a trickster god associated with fire and magic. Loki, like other gods, has enormous power over the universe. Indeed, in the Marvel Comics saga Ultimates 2, it was revealed that Loki has the power to shuffle the very fabric of space and time itself, making things disappear from perception. Loki used these powers in the Ultimates 2 saga to ensure that Thor was captured and imprisoned so that he could not interfere with Loki’s conquest of Asgard.
Clearly, Loki could have used his powers to change the fabric of space-time in order to make it appear that Obama was born in Hawaii when he, in fact, wasn’t. But why would Loki do such a thing? Simple. Loki is fated, according to Norse myth, to bring about Ragnarok–the end of the world. However, it is clear from the sagas that Ragnarok must be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Fimbulvetr is described as being three years of winter with no summer in between.
What does this have to do with Obama? It’s simple. Obama has been essential in pushing through cap and trade legislation through the United States Congress, and his Administration has made it a major part of its agenda. But as Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle point out in their tome Fallen Angels, preventing the greenhouse effect would lead the Earth into a devastating ice age. In other words, Obama’s Cap and Trade Agenda will directly lead to Fimbulvetr. As no real American would sponsor legislation that would lead to the Twilight of the Gods, it was necessary for Loki to use his powers to make Obama appear to be an American citizen so that Obama’s election to the Presidency would be assured.
Clearly, Loki’s influence into American Presidential elections should be stopped and Obama should be immediately impeached for making use of a foreign power to obtain the Presidency.
While traditional adherence to quaint philosophic concepts might make it appear that the evidence overwhelmingly favors the conclusion that Barack Obama is a United States citizen, it is clear that this cannot be the case so long as we don’t pay any attention to the idea that there is an objective reality.
Cognitive Relativism, the Law of Attraction, and Norse Mythology all provide plausible philosophic justification for ignoring evidence and logic. Accordingly, because Obama’s claim to American citizenship is only supported by evidence and logic, he must not be an American citizen. Thus, Barack Obama is not eligible to be President of the United States.
It’s perfectly logical.