You never really can tell when something you teach a kid is going to stick with them when they need it most. Check out this story.
Link to full article:
7-Year-Old Uses CPR To Save Brother After Crash - Local News Story - WLKY Louisville
7-Year-Old Uses CPR To Save Brother After Crash
Kenny Bagby Says He Learned Technique From Boy Scout Manual
UPDATED: 10:27 am EDT July 29, 2009
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- On his 7th birthday, a southern Indiana boy helped save his younger brother’s life with CPR after a serious car accident.
The accident happened nearly two weeks ago after the boy’s mother said she did something many parents have done when driving with young children.
Janet Bagby said when she turned around to fasten her youngest child’s seatbelt, their trip ended in an accident.
“My 5-year-old, Alex, had taken his seatbelt off and I was turning to put it back on and the next thing I knew we crashed. I didn't even see the other car,” said Bagby.
Kenny was the only one not stuck inside of the car. After getting out, he checked on his mom and sister. He then noticed his younger brother wasn't moving and took action.
“I did the thing whatever lifeguards do whenever you drown and can't breathe anymore. That's what I did, but only three times then he started to breathe. Then I knew he wasn't dead,” Kenny Bagby said.
“He said the Boy Scout manual told him to push on his chest three times, to pinch his nose and breathe in his mouth. So that's what he did,” said Janet Bagby...
I have a nephew who is 8, and I can't picture him having the presence of mind to perform CPR on his younger brother in such a situation. Kudos to the kid's scout leader for teaching him CPR - he should earn a merit badge for that one.

This one seems applicable, but "First Aid" doesn't sound quite good enough.
Maybe the "lifesaving" merit badge?
(remember - no posting pics of kids on TFP)