well done for doing it. im planning on doing at least doing 2 marathons in the next 12 months, maybe 3, so im in the same boat as you bastid.
i would reccomend a book called "Marathon - You can do it" by Jeff Galloway. it has a wealth of knowledge and is aimed at the new runner instead of the serious athletes. it gives you tips on training and finishing the marathon. time is not really a factor in any part of the book. its a well written and easy read, so you should enjoy it.
to get into shape you may want to do other sports in the meantime to get your fitness level up to where you want itt o be. tennis, rugby, cycling..anything that'd get your cardiovascular system up and going, and your mind away from the tedious chore of constant running. i play tough rugby 1-2 days a week and i play anywhere between 2-4 games a night for the fitness. it keeps my mind occupied on something else rather than on the "only 3 miles to go" thought.
well done...ill look forwad to exchanging notes with you!
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy