Originally Posted by Martian
Now that I'm eating properly again I'm considering taking it up. The biggest impediment is my bad knee -- I have arthritis and it flares up sometimes. It's not too horrible, and mostly just stiffens up when the weather's bad, but the stress of running seems likely to aggravate it.
I was looking at knee braces today, and wondering if that would help. This thread is therefore serendipitous and I have no problem hijacking it slightly. Does anyone know if a knee brace will help a fellow in my situation? Alternatively, does anyone have other suggestions? A bicycle is another option I'm considering, but a gym membership and the attendant access to fancy low-impact machinery is out due to budget constraints.
Advice? Opinions?
It depends on the type of arthritis, whether it is degenerative or not, etc. You should see your local quack for such medical advice rather than the TFP.
I have a bit of runner's knee that I'm getting over and do wear a light compression brace with an open patella and that works for me.
Cycling of course uses the knee but without the impact of running.
In my opinion, the best thing a beginning runner can do is do a routine of leg strengthening exercises with focus on knee stability. About 75% of semi-serious runners do get injured to one degree or another and half of those could be prevented with a proper strength routine.