Try 45 on for size. (My birthday was last week)
Have your eyes gone yet? Don't worry, they will. They eye doctor told me when I was 25 that around 40 I would need bifocals. BIFOCALS, is he nuts? My grand father wore bifocals. It's bad enough being near sighted, but being near sighted and far sighted all at the same time is just wrong on so many levels .
It starts when you notice that sometimes your eyes just haze over when you're staring at the screen and you have to sort of close your eyes and open them again (like rebooting your eyes.)
Then you start to notice that you can't read a medicine bottle without straining, or holding it up to the light. Then you start holding things further away, but dammit, now it's too far away to see. (How come this fucking room is so fucking dark??)
Then one day, you're trying to read some drawings and it's hard. Your buddy says, "here, try my reading glasses" and you do and it's like magic, you can see again. The details are back.
One day, you're in the drug store and you see the reading glasses rack and you think of your buddy's glasses and you think, "Im just going to try these one to see" and boy, it does make reading that medicine bottle allot easier (you are in Shoppers Drug Mart after all so there's lots of bottles around that you can test them out on. You figure out that +1.50 is pretty much perfect. )
But you don't buy them. You figure you don't need them yet (because you are in denial).
Then one night, you're lost and you pull out your Pearlies in your car and you can't read the fucking index (let alone the maps). I mean, you're holding it up to the map light, twisting your head, and pulling your head away and you still can't read a fucking thing.
Next time you are in Costco, you buy the 3 pack of cheap made in China Reading Glasses. One for you car, one for work, one for home.
Last edited by james t kirk; 07-29-2009 at 12:47 PM..