Originally Posted by ring
Those desert rabbits have very large ears...
I affectionately refer to them as "heat dissipators".
When I moved into my house 30 years ago, I hardly ever saw a rabbit in my immediate neighborhood. In the last few years I see many every day. To parallel this phenomenon, until recently I didn't see fox around here, either, but now I can see them almost every evening.
It was so cute...one evening back in late Spring I noticed the pachysandra rustling next to my front door and upon closer examination I saw something move. I reached down to see what and saw a little baby bunny try to run away...it scooted over a couple feet. So I picked it up and took it inside to show my kids, who wanted to keep it, but we put it back right away. I immediately noticed a couple more little ones, and then again over the next couple weeks, but now they've moved elsewhere. I should check inside my garage which is always wide open.