Originally Posted by The_Jazz
But I'm going to have to disagree with the ever-smooth ratbastid. You are selling here, pure and simple. Are you telemarketing her? Trying to convince her to buy a car warranty from you? No? THEN PUT THE SCRIPT DOWN! If you've got stage-fright (which is really what it is), then make an outline of what you want to talk about before hand and have it in front of you. Don't write out lines, just one or two word reminders of ideas. Do NOT be scripted. Nervous is fine, especially since you're asking her out. Have Plan B ready in case she's not available for Plan A. She's already met you, so she's well aware of how awesome you are.
Well, yeah. I mean, my point wasn't "here's a script you can use". My point was more like, "be smooth, brotha". My tongue was somewhat in my cheek.
Look, you can also go the "flatteringly befuddled" route. This has two things going for it: a) it works for Hugh Grant, and every woman wants to do Hugh Grant, and 2) It happens to be the truth.
"Hi, it's me. Can I just get something out of the way first? I get all nervous and stupid talking to cute girls on the phone. I guess it's a stage fright thing. I just really want you to like me, and I end up coming across all forced and lame. So, will you just please forgive me in advance for being awkward and dumb on this call? Thanks."
Three things happen here: you're being genuine with her (which is a GOOD thing), and you snuck in a compliment there, which no girl doesn't like. And saying it will probably dispel it entirely, and you'll be Dr. Smoove for the rest of the conversation.
Originally Posted by wooÐs
I don't even know him and I already want in his pants.
See, right there. I don't even know what to say about that.