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Old 07-28-2009, 11:37 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: Eastern Canada
IMO if you like the texting, work that in to your advantage without over doing it. Text her a bit through out the day, find out how her day is going or what she does or had planned and try and work that into a conversation later on when you talk to her on the phone. If you find bits and pieces through out the day you can get more details from her later on the phone and maybe avoid awkward silences. Find out what she does for a living or something she is interested in, do a bit of research if necessary and try and find a common interest on that subject. The more you know the more you have to talk about. It doesn't hurt to ask questions either, if she enjoys something you are unaware of more than likely she wont have a problem explaining it to you. However don't ask you the sake of asking you have to want to know, if you seem uninterested she'll be able to tell and you might end up with quick short answeres. It works both way to, if she asks you a question about something or she doesn't understand go into depth, don't give her short quick answers either. The more someone understands something the more they will be willing to talk about it. Avoid swearing or using any kind of slang, for the most part you'll come off as uneducated. Try and keep the conversation at a "mutual" mood i guess we can call it. If you talk to her and you've had a lousy day and she's extatic about her day try not to bring her mood down, and if shes had a lousy day try to cheer her up but dont bring her down nemore by telling her awesome of a day you had. If you guys are at this beginning stage try and focus on her as much as you can, and give her what she wants from you. As you guys get to know each other better things will click and you shouldn't have a problem anymore.
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