Originally Posted by Smackre
My computer went from working fine to having 97 proccesses running. It had around 30-40 at most b4. Anyways. Id like to put windows 7 on it. Just so I can see how windows 7. But I am unsure weather the specs will handle windows 7.
The specs for the laptop are in my sig. The biggest thing that worries me is the ram. Also The hard drive space.
I may half to just use windows xp.
What do you guys think? Good enough specs for windows 7?
Compared to windows vista windows 7 uses less resources, it should run on your laptop, I would give it a shot, maybe you could setup a dual boot system. 1GB is kinda low yes, is it possible to upgrade it for your particular laptop manufacturer/model? I don't know if 7 comes with the AERO style gui from Vista but turning that off might help. Otherwise XP does everything just fine if you dont plan to invest in a new laptop