My laptop is a Gateway TA1 which I estimate is close to 5 years old. Funny thing is I actually have two now and neither works. I got both of these from work but use them mostly for personal stuff. When the first one wouldn't boot up at all, I got the second one and used that a couple more years. Now that one is "intermittent" since if I take a large C-clamp and one of my butter knives, and I clamp the knife so that it presses exactly in the right spot next to the touch-pad, it will still work; but otherwise it seems trashed.
I think I've weasled our I.T. guy into getting me a nice new powerful laptop with a nice big screen...I really don't care about weight since I almost never carry it around very far.
Do you have any advice as to a good, fast, large screen (~17"?) laptop?