Originally Posted by timalkin
So I guess the next question is whether you could "have a beer" with a man who called you a racist when you were simply doing your job. My answer is "Fuck No." I don't make it a habit to hang out with racist assholes, especially ones who don't apologize for their fucked up ways. Instead of an apology, we get a comment about hope that others will learn more about racial profiling.
The only thing that I've learned from this incident (although I already knew this) is that racists will pull the race card at every available opportunity and mostly get a free pass from society. If anything, this incident has reinforced my observations that some people enjoy playing the victim, even in 2009. ...
Setting aside blame for the incident, where both parties could have acted differntly (and Obama could have chose better words for his reaction when asked at a press conference), I have a different reaction to the larger issue which is that comments like those above and/or...:
I'm appalled that some people are taking up for this racist piece of shit professor. This asshole has a huge chip on his shoulder and probably walks around all day giving the stink eye to every white person he sees. I can't believe he's able to taint the next generation with his hatred, but fuck it, academia has always been a breeding ground for rebels without a cause.
Motherfuckers like this one are the biggest reason why we can't bury the race hatchet and move into the 21st Century. Too many people have too much to gain by seeing racism in the smallest things. If whites are ever a minority in the United States, I want to be the white Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson equivalent.
or this one:
Don't mind the black cop. He's an Uncle Tom, or as he's known around the department - Officer Tom. You have to keep a few of the blacks in your organization so you're not so obvious that you're just a front for the KKK. It's a lot harder to get paid to harass blacks when you are too obvious about it.
...is why race relations is still such a volatile issue.
Wow..the anger and bitterness and vitriol exposed in those words.
One would think and hope that a person's outrage at the event could be expressed in a more civil and constructive manner.