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Old 07-27-2009, 12:03 AM   #1 (permalink)
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My girlfriend wants to be stripper.

I'm 25 with a girlfriend of 22. We've been dating for 2 1/2 years, living together for all of it. We are very close and I love her deeply.

Recently our financial situation has sucked. I'm about to be sued for student loans and my medical expenses are insane. My girlfriend recently lost her job and I am about to be terminated due to medical absences.

My girlfriend stripped for a short time before we met. We've talked off and on about her doing it again. Obviously the money is great, and as my girlfriend is just gorgeous she wouldn't have any lack of customers.

We decided to try it. She has given me full permission to pull the plug at any point where I am no longer able to tolerate it. She has also agreed to pull the plug if she believes it will hurt our relationship in any way.

My girl is able to separate stripping entirely from her sexuality. She just sees it as a job. She put boundaries in place and wil adhere to them. She doesn't remove her bottoms/thong and does not lap dance but only gives 'private dances' with no touch.

I trust her. I'm not worried about her leaving me or crossing her 'no touch' boundaries for extra money. It's not the kind of person she is. All of my logic points to this being a great idea, thousands of dollars a month to pull us out of our hole.

Problem is I've started to have panic attacks. I haven't had panic attacks since I was taking heavy stimulants. I don't know exactly why I'm upset. Every time she mentions something about the strip club my stomach turns cold and I nearly double over. I have the ability to stop her from going but I can't figure out WHY I'm so upset about this. I don't want to cost her financial freedom, the ability to pay for health care costs and put herself through school. I also don't want the stress to hit a point where I start shitting blood (fun stress response of mine).

Anyone have any opinions? Things to think or options to try?
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