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Old 07-26-2009, 11:38 AM   #14 (permalink)
Originally Posted by guccilvr View Post
Do you have a Play It Again Sports near you? I've always found tons of discs there.. used and new..

For me, the weight was dependent on the weather conditions.. if it needs to cut through wind, then a heavier disc seemed to work better.. but I think the most important factor is the actual throw. Most people just have this odd 2 step run-up and only use their shoulders and elbows. I found that if you get a good wrist snap on the disc and you use about a 3-4 step crossstep run-up, the disc would be more willing to do what you want.

So basically, I'd focus more on your throwing motion than the actual disc(s) right now..

when I played regularly I carried about 15 discs with me on the courses.. selection of drivers, mids and 2 putters as well as a tomahawk disc and a roller. Everyone is different though. You just have to find what you like and play to your advantages.
Thanks for the reply.

There is in fact a Play It Again Sports nearby, though I hadn't considered them for disc golf discs. I'll give the local one a call and see if they sell any.

When I was practicing throwing yesterday, I noticed that I haven't really found a consistently successful throwing method, or even grip. I have large hands (long fingers), and when I try to use a power grip as per recommended online and on the Innova starter pack material, I'm honestly not sure I have the grip right.

I've only thrown a frisbee a few times to date, and every time it was in a very laid back and social atmosphere. The benefit of that is that I essentially have a clean slate to learn how to throw properly, but for that happen I have to get into the right form initially.

I guess my biggest question at this point is how much affect disc weight can hinder a throw. I've read in a few places online that heavier/harder discs are less forgiving and require proper form/skill to get optimum performance, and that frustration can result if the thrower isn't at that point yet.

When I was out throwing the Valkyrie, I wasn't really frustrated as much as I was intrigued about whether my grip and throwing form was correct and if the lack thereof was causing some of my throws to go awry; or if in fact it was a credit to the disc being too heavy for my level of experience.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.
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