Originally Posted by SF
I and no other man who is living now has seen Sullivan fight in the flesh... but from the historians I have read he did take on black and white fighters in his early days touring the country fighting all comers.
See my quote above from the article above, it's proves you're either lying, or you can't read, or you're just plain ignorant to what John L. Sullivan himself wrote, it's right there in palin text, no matter what you say, again though just to help you out, I'll quote it here:
Originally Posted by Article highthief posted
I myself feel sorry the match was ever made. I am not biased but I do believe that the negroes should fight in a class by themselves. Many times during my career I was urged by outsiders to throw reason to the winds and fight a black man, but I always refused
There it is SF, no matter what excuses you make or what you
claim to have read, the man himself said it and with your record of twisting facts in this thread I'll take John L. Sullivan's word over yours.
But another thing, given your example of Brock Lesnar being an actor, I must also assume that Slade was nothing more than an actor given this on his record:
Apr 13 Harry Dunn San Francisco, Ca L
-This was a wrestling match; Slade lost 0-5 in falls
Cyber Boxing Zone -- Herbert A. "Maori" Slade
Slade was not white (if you think that Maori consider themselves to be white ask some people of that race) - I guess if he isnt black either that leaves him somewhat stranded
Seriously? You see the world as only black and white?
Anyone who gets into a ring for any kind of combat sport has more courage than the average man.
Wow contradict your own earlier statements much? Got to remember what you've typed earlier mate, we'll use it against you later, I seem to recall MMA fighters being called "cowards" by you quite a bit in this and other threads.
Any person who chooses to compete in a sport where a key factor is the striking of a fallen man fundamentally has an element of cowardice in his personality.
Again more grasping at straws, or as I like to say, more throwing shit at the wall and hoping something eventually sticks.