What is your most Prized Posession?
Now I started thinking about this after my friends house burnt down. She lost everything. So now thinking about what she has gone threw I was wondering what if it happened to me? What would I grab if something happened? Now of course my most prized posessions are my daughter, but I know that is what every parent would say. So lets say your children and pets were already safe. What would you save?
Now for me I have a book that my mother gave me a book of my heritage. Birth records and marriage certificates. I also have our social security cards in this book. So I would grab this book. I even have it in a dresser right next to the door. So now I am ready, just in case. I bet my husband and Punk.of.Ages would grab there guitars and xbox 360.
So what would you save? What is your most prized possession?
Last edited by DaniGirl; 07-24-2009 at 05:44 PM..