Massive New Jersey corruption probe snares officials, rabbis - The Star-Ledger Archives
44, that's right 44 people, including three mayors, two state assemblyen, and five rabbis were arrested, the culmination of a two year federal investigation into an international money laundering and bribery scheme.
This stuff is wild, let me tell you. It includes tales of organ flipping (works the same way as house flipping), bribery, and the laundering of so much cash that they brought in a federal credit union to help them count it all. And the coruption was equal opportunity. Republicans and Democrats alike were ensnared in this web.
Even by NJ standards this is pretty shocking. I thought it didn't get any more corrupt than what Sharpe James was pulling off when he was the mayor of Newark, but all I can say is wow. They have taken the corruption crown away from Rod Blagojevech.
An interesting side story to this is that this investigation was started by Christopher Christie, a former U.S. attorney who is currently the Democratic nominee running against Jon Corzine for governor. I think this pretty much guarantees his election.