Originally Posted by Crompsin
...but I wanted it to be a good campy movie like the original.
"Danger is my trade!" and all that. 
You know there is no such thing as campy in 21st century. It is either good or bad, there is no campy inbetween. The only time we get a good campy film is if the director goes out of his/her way to MAKE a campy film. 80's films were campy because that's all they could do, they did not know any better.
... If Scifi channel got ahold of it... you might get some campy out of it.
I watched this movie the other day:
Chris Klein........ Words can not express how *BAD* his acting was, I mean I've seen Elementary School plays about giant pumpkins that had more acting chops than he did.
There was nothing redeemable about this movie, no chainmail, no hot girls, fight scenes sucked. In the 80's, this movie would have been campy, now... it just sucks.