Originally Posted by Strange Famous
You know - it is very instructive how many personal comments are made about me in this thread.
No personal comments have been made about you, they've been made about your opinion being shit, bit no a single fuckin comment has been directed or can be considered a personal attack.
Now, I want to make it clear I am not complaining about it, I am not offended or upset about it - but while again and again I relentlessly stick to the point, the peope arguing against me cant answer my arguments directly so are reduced to insults, or really very silly comments (such as claiming I would be beaten up by a 130 lbs woman... as if such an event was possible. Anyone who knows me know I would not fight a woman under any circumstances.)
You have no point, it's been all over the board, you've been throwing shit at a wal land hoping it sticks, and the only thing it sticks to are your posts.
It shows how fragile the defence of MMA is.
MMA is unmanly, it allows a fallen opponent to be struck. Yes, I do repeat this because it is absolutely key to my objection to this spectacle of hooliganism called UFC.
Stil lyou don't egt that a downed opponent isn't defenseless, there's a difference between being down and being defenseless, it isn't our fault you can't understand that.
It is not "me stating my own opinion and ignoring fact"
This is fuckin funny, you've done nothing but ignore facts in this thread, and tried pawning off you opinion as fact numerous time, fuck you've even tried pulling numbers out your arse, remember 95% of all people agree with you? Yeah that number came out your arse.
- from the first age you are raised as a boy, from the scraps you have in the schoolyard - any man knows that you do not hit or kick an opponent when they are fallen, and to do so is cowardly.
Really? Whoever taught you to fight must have been stupid then, it's a fuckin fight, as my father told me, he goes down dpon't fuckin let him back up.
I am not talking about grappling on the floor as practised by jin jitsu fighters...
Jiu-Jitsu is the correetc term, we went through this last page, or do you seriously not read our posts?
I am talking about a man being tripped up or dragged down, or even in the worse cases knocked down, and then punched while he is on the floor.
Again just because he's down doesn't mean he's defenseless.
And remember these MMA fighters wear such light gloves it is the equivalent of being hit bare knuckle virtually.
You can't say it's the equivalent of being hit by bare knuckles then say virtually, it's contradicting, it either is or isn't.
If UFC will not make a rule amendment that strikes are only allowed when both men are standing and that when on the floor fighters can only grapple, then it should not be allowed to take place. Quite simply it should not be legal without this rule change.
OPINION not fact once again, but thanks for playing we have some lovely parting gifts for you.