wtf? using a google search as a defense?? huh??
Let's just ignore the fact that boxing as a sport has been around much longer than MMA as a sport firstly..that accounts for some of the hits in google, then add to the fact that Muay Thai boxing, Dirty boxing, Kick boxing etc etc were included in those hits, and you see why the hits are greater.
A man on the ground has two options, either gain a guarded position and work from the bottom.. or cover up in a defenseless posture. If the latter occurs the fight is stopped, so that obviously means that defenseless hitting is not allowed. Just as other forms of kicking and hitting in various postures and places are not allowed.
8oz gloves are quite a bit different than using bare knuckles. Quit spouting shit that you have no knowledge of. Have you ever put on a pair of 8oz gloves?? No you'd rather wear big red gloves with all that padding because that's SOOOO much MANLIER!! GROWL HEAR ME ROAR I AM MAN!
So please.. DO NOT bring up the "unmanly" argument again or this TROLL FEST will be closed.
Now to the UK thing. You sir are an idiot. MMA and UFC have grown leaps and bounds in the UK. Ignoring the douchebag that is Michael Bisbing, UFC just had a US vs UK event. It drew
massive crowds. Sure boxing may still be bigger in the UK, but it won't be long before MMA takes over there as well.
Now if I hear you spout that hitting a man on the ground is "unmanly" again. I will lock this thread. I'm not joking. I'm sick of you using that as a factual argument when it is clearly an opinion and has nothing to do with the structure and rules that are part of some forms of martial art as well as it in in the construct of the rules in MMA. So stop saying it is unmanly. When I was a kid and I was in the street fighting. I didn't let anyone up.. I jumped on top and continued to beat them, if I was on the ground I continued to get beaten. So I don't know what this Chivalry flag you're waving is, but it's about as torn and tattered as the actual act.