Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Do you believe that Slice fought in PPV's because he is lowly rated?
Yep, EliteXC was trying to capture his internet popularity, it had nothing to do with his skill, hence why EliteXC is now bankrupt. Besides it was on CBS which is hardly PPV, but once again don't bother to look anything up before shooting your yap off.
Did you actally see the fight he lost in 20 seconds after being slapped twice?
Yep, did you? You assume it was a slap, but it probably would have dropped you as well.
If they had put him in the ring with Merciless Ray Mercer under Queensbury Rule I believe he would have suffered an even worse defeat though
Psssst he chocked out Mercer in an exhibition match, but don't let that FACT get in the way of your arguments.
Are all of your arguments based on speculation or do you actually have any PROOF of anything you say? Or is it still the throw enough shit at the wall and hope it sticks style of debating? If it is the throwing shit style it's fine with me, makes it easy on the rest of us to prove you wrong, which happens every time you post.