I was a bit geeky in school, I had friends but they were all a bit geeky too. My 10 year high school reunion was last week and unfortunately I was not able to make it due to the cost to travel half way across the country. When I left high school I didn't particularly like many people in my class. However, I still wanted to go to my reunion and here is why.
Since I left high school I have had numerous run-ins (usually at a bar) with people I used to dislike and got along fine with them. In fact many times I found that they had matured a great deal and were no longer idiots. People grow up, the people you knew in high school are not the same people by your 10 year and definitely not the same by your 20.
On top of this, one should not hold onto anger like the letter posted above did. It is not healthy to be so angry about something. You don't need to forgive the people for what they did but staying angry does you no good. In fact, anger like this only affects one person and that is you, the people you are angry at don't even know you are angry at them...
Thats my 2 cents.