Since I've got lingerie-clad women on the brain at least 38 minutes a day... discussion!
Gentlemen of TFP, where do you buy lingerie for your ladies and what types do you like to see 'em in?
Me? Well, I'm a big fan of
Trashy lingerie. I really like their
"skulls" collection, for obvious reasons. Cartoon skulls are totally rad and they're even better when they're printed on a see-through G-string. I figure lingerie is about novelty and teasing a man with sexy body coverings.
Shelf bras (demibras or balconettes or whatever the hell they're called) are totally hot. Equipped with those low horizontal cups, they're like an extra set of hands and aid in the presentation of The Goods, accentuating the neck and shoulders by turning the typical bra "chest circle" into a triangle shape. I find they look absolutely amazing on women who put their hair up or have pixie cuts. The framed view from the breasts to the visible curve of the neck is a huge turn-on for me.
Boy shorts are also smokin'. Especially when worn over an itty bitty g-string with the straps hooked up on the hips. I find visible contrast layers covering The Commodity absolutely toe-curling.
I'm also excited by fishnets. Can't explain it. That kind of pleasure lurks on the bottom of the lust ocean... deep and murky and possibly equipped with long translucent teeth.
I could go on and on but what I find attractive, what I don't, etc... but I shall push this bit down the hill and see if it gathers any momentum.
So, my fellow brodawgs... what playtime get-up do you like to see your ladies don and where do you buy it?
Ladies: feel free to chime in about you experiences with playtime clothing. Funny stories are always welcome.
(place your bets of Bear Cub responding with "My semen... because it's free." and WillRavel mentioning a plastic tarp to keep the blood off his expensive Persian rugs)