Personally, I'd tell "work" that if they think they have the right to tell you what kind of car to drive; they can buy it for you - or at the least give you a dedicated transportation allowance.
Unless, of course, they already pay you boatloads of money and you're spending it on everything but transportation. It sounds like it's time to replace them both - in fact I think you waited too long on the Acura. My first instinct is to say I'd never replace an engine in a 10-year old vehicle with so many other problems, but since you say it was used, you might have gotten a great deal on it.
One other thing - if you are required by your job to buy a nicer car for business use and your company is not compensating you for it, you should check into how much, if any, of your transportation costs are tax deductible. I know in the U.S., much of it would be.
If you want to avoid 95% of internet spelling errors:
"If your ridiculous pants are too loose, you're definitely going to lose them. Tell your two loser friends over there that they're going to lose theirs, too."
It won't hurt your fashion sense, either.