Originally Posted by Gebbinn
I consider myself an agnostic christian. I believe there is a god, but I dont believe in religion.
If I may, that means you're a theist, not agnostic. If you were agnostic, you would probably post something more like, "I don't know if God exists or not, but I don't believe in religion." Not to nitpick or anything, just for the sake of clarification.
Originally Posted by Gebbinn
That being said, I have a problem with those atheists who trump themselves up as some intellectual superior simply because they have come to the rationale that because they cannot prove the existence of something, it does not exist. These types then go one step further and look down their noses with smug harrumphs at anyone who would dare to have an opposing viewpoint. To assume that I, or anyone who chooses to believe in that which cannot be proven is intellectually inferior is by its very nature showing these types to be the least tolerant of all. "The loudest voices against intolerance are themselves the most intolerant." (Andrew Wilkow)
There are some very ego-driven atheists out there (many of whom are new to atheism) that might believe themselves to be intellectually superior to all theists and agnostics, but as someone involved in the community for many years I can tell you with confidence that most of us only look down our noses at the fundamentalists, the people that act or speak very foolishly or with hatred using their religion as an excuse.
If any atheist simply looks down his or her nose at you for believing in god, send them my way.
Originally Posted by Gebbinn
As a christian, I accept all people, all races, colors, creeds and religions for who they are, and what they believe. Though I may, and often will, try to persuade you to my way of thinking, I will accept your rejection of my beliefs, and congratulate you for having faith of your own. Whether your faith is in a different religion, a different deity, or faith in the lack of any deity, it is still your faith.
I'm glad you're so open minded, but many religious people aren't this way. Just as I'm willing to admit that some of my fellow atheists can be militant (even I was militant once upon a time), you should bear in mind that many of your religious brothers and sisters bring a lot of hatred and bias to the table, especially toward atheists. Granted, it's rare to burn atheists at the stake nowadays, but being an atheist is still considered to be extremely taboo most places.