I consider myself an agnostic christian. I believe there is a god, but I dont believe in religion.
That being said, I have a problem with those atheists who trump themselves up as some intellectual superior simply because they have come to the rationale that because they cannot prove the existence of something, it does not exist. These types then go one step further and look down their noses with smug harrumphs at anyone who would dare to have an opposing viewpoint. To assume that I, or anyone who chooses to believe in that which cannot be proven is intellectually inferior is by its very nature showing these types to be the least tolerant of all. "The loudest voices against intolerance are themselves the most intolerant." (Andrew Wilkow)
As a christian, I accept all people, all races, colors, creeds and religions for who they are, and what they believe. Though I may, and often will, try to persuade you to my way of thinking, I will accept your rejection of my beliefs, and congratulate you for having faith of your own. Whether your faith is in a different religion, a different deity, or faith in the lack of any deity, it is still your faith.
Saying Atheism is a religion is inaccurate, to say that it is a faith seems to me to be the more correct way of saying it. After all, you cannot prove to me, or to anyone else, that God does not in fact exist, therefore your belief is based in faith, rather than fact. As a faith, you are welcome to your belief, and I support you wholeheartedly in that belief. I will defend your right to that belief, and I will defend your right to persuade others to your way of thinking as well. At the same time, I expect... no I demand that you grant me the exact same privileges.
There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand Binary and those who dont.
I aim to please.. to bad for you I am a horrible shot.
Every time you open your mouth, stupid comes out.