Why is everyone calling the Passat a Jetta?
Check out how much exactly it would take to fix the CV joint and A/C in the Acura. Compare that to the ABS repair for the Passat. Factor that in your decision.
I think a lot of people are discounting the fact that you need A/C when driving clients around. I entertain clients on a weekly basis and have them in my vehicle. I can't imagine having to tell people "sorry the air doesn't work" unless I could honestly say it just went out and I already have an appointment to get it fixed. Also, the CV boot and joint repairs may be extremely expensive, and if you keep driving it like it is, you are going to risk more damage, or worse the whole wheel coming loose. It'll probably shake you to death before the wheel itself falls off, but this would be a "fix it before you can drive it" repair that could also break the bank.
Same thing with the ABS on the Passat. It's a must fix for hauling clients around. You do not want to get in an accident with clients while driving a car with faulty brakes. Sure they work fine for normal driving, but the one time ABS could've saved you it won't be there. You should be changing your oil every few months anyway, depending on mileage, so I wouldn't worry about half a quart a month. If you are SURE it's just a radiator leak causing you to lose coolant, find where the leak is, go buy a $10 patch kit at an auto parts store, and fix it yourself. It's extremely simple to do.
I typed this all out and realized you aren't talking about hauling clients around in either of these current vehicles......Ooops. I guess that throws the A/C argument out the window if you are willing to deal with it. But I'd still get the CV joint and/or the ABS fixed in whichever car you keep.
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde!!!!