Back to your original question.........
(and by the way, is this an M77 Mark II ?)
What info on an M77 are you looking for?
The only issue I have heard anyone mention is the barrel metrics.
Ruger made a compromise barrel configured to shoot anything from a true .308 up to as much as a .313 diameter bullet.
I know of a lot of places having this versatiliy would be a big plus considering the wide variety of ammo available.
This is similar to what the .223 Rem/5.56 NATO Wylde chambering does for it's respective cartdriges, excepting that it is concentrating on the cartridge rather than the bullet with the Ruger. The bullet to bore fit will give you a lot more variables to be sure.
Unfortunately, it is possible that you might need to check a lot of ammo to find one type that shoots decent in this configuration.
I think if you need to both drive tacks and ocassionally hit 20 penny nails this might do both ok but neither one exceptionally well.
Buy a reloading press and have some fun with this. It might prove to be your windmill if you're OC though.
If gas in the US were as varied in quality as 7.62x39 ammo is around the world, you'd have a LOT of cars on the side of the road unable to run.
I'd like to know how it goes.