Originally Posted by Xerxys
Of course the movie is going to suck.
I hate to say I told you so ... erm, I'm lying ...
Yeah I knew this would happen. I however disagree with this statement ...
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Spoiler: This is in part because after book three came out, no one bothered to edit J.K. Rowling's manuscripts so the stories became sprawling tomes containing hundreds of pages of superfluous text.
I think because the book's detail was integral for it's captivating quality. I'm trying very hard and coming up short thinking of useless info in any one of the books. Some of my friends say that she was overly descriptive but I think the book would have been a bland conspiracy theory type of fantasy story without it.
Plus, her names J. Rowling. The K was added there to make it difficult to discern sexes. It means nothing.
No, I am not a hardcore fan.