MMA certainly hasnt surpassed boxing in terms of popularity. It maybe be popular amongst college aged men, but boxing has a much wider fanbase.
Boxing is the ultimate test of strength, bravery, skill and manliness. Two men pit themselves against each other in an honourable and scientific contest of toughness, strength and agility.
Compare this great spectacle to what we see in the average MMA fight.
Two men attempting to throttle each other or else trip a man up and then punch and kick him while he is defenseless on the floor. MMA requires little real skill. I see people actually talking about a guy having a black belt as if it was some kind of great achievment! there are 15 year old girls who have blackbelts in karate!
Look at the men who are being quoted as the heroes of MMA. George St Pierre, a man who has to cover himself in baby oil and grease before each fight so that the opponent cant get hold of him...because MMA doesnt have a propper governing body, but is governed by the promotor himself the "big stars" are allowed to get away with this kind of thing to help bulk up their records.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas