Originally Posted by loquitur
Will, how do you propose to get elected without raising money?
Like I said, either you pander, you're independently wealthy, or you're really lucky. Most politicians pander.
Originally Posted by loquitur
Pandering is unavoidable,
Not completely. In all the years I've been following his career, I've never once seen Dennis Kucinich pander. If he's said he was in support of something, he's in support of it because he believes in it. That kind of politicians is one of the rare ones that has a truly consistent platform across the board. Ron Paul, though I don't necessarily agree with him all the time, is similar.
Originally Posted by loquitur
unless you think your purity is more important than being totally honest, in which case you won't get elected.
What? You think it's
dishonest not to pander? I must be misunderstanding you.
Anyway, my point was that the fact that pandering is almost the only way to get elected probably turns off a lot of very smart and capable people.