Joking aside, the Southern Ocean is a tough place... and these guys are a mixture of idealistic kids with no experience, and self important jerks who have no clue how to lead and who dont even care about human beings. People have a right to hunt for food, and killing a whale in the wild seems to me a lot less fucking cruel than a factory farm with 10,000 chickens crammed into a shed with no natural light.
From what I have seen of these "sea shepherds" - they behave like pirates, trying to ram other boats, throwing chemical bombs onto the other ships... Im afraid to say that behaving in such a way in international waters makes them fair game. Like I said, I dont ever in my life wish or hope for the death of others, no matter how stupid or criminal their actions - but these people make their choices and one day they will end up paying the price for them, and I wont weep about it.
People are lost at sea all the time just doing their job.
I'll feel sorry for them before I feel sorry for the fat prick who captains the "Steve Irwin" (I use the word "captain" advisedly because he does not deserve to be called such) or the gullible college drop outs that follow him.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas