yes cricket is a sport.
this friend of mine..who is one of those people who never actively seeks anything worthwhile is one of my best friends.. we're almost like brothers.. and I'll put it to you this way, he entered into an amateur MMA contest that Serra was at, and Serra was impressed with him so much he offered to train him. So he went up to Serra's place and checked it out.. Serra wasn't pleased when my buddy tapped him out in the first round. So what does my friend do? He says.."thanks, but no thanks" and is working some lame job just floating about life.
but anyway, back to the sort of topic here.. I think that proves, at least in my mind, that wrestling does play a huge part in a sport such as MMA. While my buddy is well versed in Muay Thai and BJJ as well, the wrestling components can do nothing but help especially in close ground tactics and abilities. Dismissing a 106-5 record against the best of the best in college sports is ridiculous and silly.