Originally Posted by runtuff
Thinking about this even more now I go back to the comment about basing the season on an "older" quarterback who may play for one season. There is no development of new, younger players. Then what happens next year or the more likely when Favre gets hurt. Most teams don't have a Matt Cassell to step in, much less have the coaching acumen to actually prepare him well for that occurrence.
The ViQueens are in a win now mentality. Your point about a one season quarterback might not be offbase, but between Sage and TJack, I like Favre. Maybe Jon David Booty might turn out to be a decent player, be he is pretty raw (to be honest I don't even know if he is on the squad). The whole team is set, our only major weaknesses are the LB core which is always a problem up here, and the reality that last year we went 10-6, and won our division by platooning Gus "gave myself a concussion" Ferrote and Tjack. If Brett is even 70% of what he was, we are golden.
Solid secondary. Serviceable WR core. Killer D-Line. Solid O-Line. And the best one-two running back tandum in the league.
Lions won't do shit.
Lets see how the aged Bears D can maintain. Also you have to note that yes they got Cutler, but they have nobody to throw to.
And the Pack-Attack could make it interesting.