Originally Posted by squeeeb
thanks lord eden.
deglazing the pan with the white wine sounds like the way to go! i sometimes make my chicken stock with wine, sometimes not, just depends on if i have an open bottle.
i don't season the flour cause it seems the paprika just burns, and the flavors stick to the chicken better, but that's just what i think, i'm not sure if it's true or not.
haven't thought about doing the beurre blanc first, is that just to make it go a bit quicker, or is there another reason for it?
Whenever I make a pan sauce I always deglaze with some kind of alcohol, grabs all that flavor and tid-bits left over by the meat.
I was beat into certain habits in a kitchen, things that chefs were merciless about forcing me to do against my own habits. One of those were season the flour not the meat. Don't know what it does different, I just do it.
Quickness, beurre blanc was used for alot of things, just mixed to order with other ingredients to speed up the process of cooking.