Baraka: You are correct about coming to a stop (especially a fast one): engage the clutch and press the brake to come to a stop.
Now, if you're in true stop and go traffic, you won't necessarily want to put yourself in neutral as you come to a stop. You will keep the clutch engaged and put the shifter into first so you are ready to move again once you've come to a dead stop. You CAN move to neutral, but if you're going to be stop-GO traffic, you might as well save yourself the few seconds.
Also, if you're in traffic that is rapidly decelerating but doesn't quite stop, make sure you engage the clutch and brake long enough to slow yourself down to match traffic, but then check your speed before choosing a gear to pop back into to accelerate again.
If you were in the states, I'd totally give you lessons.

---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
Originally Posted by guccilvr
I always downshift to help come to a stop. if you're in neutral there's no reason to be holding the clutch in.. if you're touching it, you're using it.
When you are a beginner, it's best to keep the clutch in while you're in neutral (unless parked) to avoid habitually trying to shift into a gear and forgetting to engage the clutch. Once you know what you're doing, it's easier to do.