Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I read somewhere they made a major change in the circumstances in the ending? is that right?
Spoiler: Im wondering how many people will go to see this that have no idea Dumbledore dies lol
I wont get to see it until Sunday
Super spoilerific post follows but not behind tags because I am on my iPhone. You have been warned.
I have heard this from a few people but I have no idea why they believe it. Dumbledore obviously and unequivocally gets killed by Snape in much the same way as he does in the book. The only "major change" about the end is that they don't show the funeral. I guess they also changed where Harry is standing during the end too and they took out the brother getting mauled bit but those are fairly minor points. Unless it has been too long and I am really not remebering the book correctly.
In short, this movie was a pedestrian adaptation o the book which happens to be my favour of the series. David Yates is not capable of capturing the magic of this series and so instead plods clumsily along from awkward teenage moment to special effect driven magic. Some of it works and some of it doesn't. I enjoyed it but it was nothing too special.
Also, don't get your hopes up for the zombies. They were easily the worst liking zombies ever committed to film rivaled only by the crap in I Am Legend. Diablo 2 sprite zombies look better. Major disappoitment.