Originally Posted by Willravel
Not even a little. It's the best system that can exist.
Well, no, there is a problem with it still, and that is that teenagers are stupid and aren't going to listen to mom and dad.
But that's also the problem with abstinence education. I compare it to the kid with a cookie analogy. You tell a kid to eat his brussels sprouts, and he won't do it. You tell him to eat the sprouts and he gets a cookie, he's more likely to do it.
You tell a kid "no sex, ever, period" and he's likely to disobey, not only because kids like to disobey but because sex feels good and the kid is one big walking hormone with very little brainpower to stop himself from doing it. But if you give him the alternative of "if you absolutely insist on having sex, but you use a condom, you're less likely to face dire consequences," lets the kid have his cake and eat it too. He's more likely to do the activity that he was going to do anyway, but this time in a safer way.