Originally Posted by QuasiMondo
IED jammers have a bad side-effect of disrupting allied communications across the board when in use. This is because these jammers are nothing more than "dirty" transmitters that are blasting out unfiltered RF loaded with harmonics that disrupt frequencies well outside of their intended range. This renders them useless on the battlefield. They would have the same effect on a prison's radio network and there'd be hell to pay if a guard is put in unnecessary danger because these jammers prevented him from calling for assistance.
But isn't it the milliamp output of these jammers that does the job. I thought that was the point, just flood the entire spectrum with white noise and your cell phone won't work.
It's kind of like the people who took apart a microwave to use the 2.4Ghz (1000W) to make a 5mW wifi network stop working. Now, while that isn't the safest thing, it does make it stop working.
The guard should just use their hand held radios that don't work on the wifi band.