Perhaps I meant to lower the very high plateau set on obtaining those extra points awarded; in the case of the points for receiving, I think the bar is set too high at 150 yards (ah, I see now that you lowered both rushing and receiving to 100 yards to receive 1 point, or maybe I read it wrong from the start). I wouldn't be ooposed to seeing the opinions of others on accumulated percentage for reception. I thought a quarter was on the low side, but it is currently set that for every five receptions, you get that whole point.
Maybe I don't value one single point; I don't know--I'd love to see it raised to 2, but that's just my personal preference (but not any higher than that). Also, I mean to say that my advice or preference for scoring would be that: for every 100 rushing/receiving effort, that player would be awarded 2 additional points; for every 5 receptions, that player would be awarded 2 additional points.
That's my take.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi