Originally Posted by ratbastid
I know you're being snarky, but that does seem to be the case.
A lot of the far-right talks to itself in a code that is really only understood internally. You end up with moderate-righters like you thinking you know what "abstinence-only" means, and talking about "your definition" of the term versus "my definition". It actually means something very specific to the politician promoting it, and you're not aware of that fact. But you're supporting it, because it uses words that are reasonably close to something you would actually support.
Open your eyes, chief. The evidence is blinking back at you that you've been had on this one.
That is why I explain my view. I tell you what the terms mean to me. Then I tell you that if Palin has the same view, we agree - and if we don't we disagree. I still don't really know what "explicit" sex education means. Is it demonstrations on how to use condoms, sexual positions, techniques, etc., what? I don't have a problem with teaching what a condom is and what it does, effectiveness, etc. - but I draw the line at demonstrations in school and handing out free samples.