I think there should be a mandatory class for all vice presidents outlining exactly what their job does and does not entail they're required to pass before serving. For example, the vice president can break a tie in the senate, but the vice president cannot organize secret CIA murder squads without oversight. The vice president can become president in the event of the president dying, but the vice president cannot leak the identities of current US spies in order to punish them for speaking the truth about current or possible military engagements. The vice president can speak as a representative of the white house and on behalf of the president as a part of white house strategy, but the vice president cannot shoot a person in the face with a gun and expect that person to apologize.
Honestly, I've never seen the difference between the effect of a CIA sniper and a cruise missile, but I'm incredibly uncomfortable with someone like Dick Cheney asking the CIA to go assassinate people. I'm also uncomfortable with the obvious breaching of President Ford's executive order ending assassinations. After seeing what the CIA did in the 60s and 70s (and probably 80s, 90s, and very recently) to democratically elected leaders of other countries, it's clear that this should be banned.