Hahaha... yeah, I remember those. Part of the fail of the C-mag design, really... ballsack-lookin' drum that is too complicated for it's own good.
One of my guys brought me the dummy follower rounds outta one while I was playing with the tube of graphite lube. I decided immediately that if a product can't survive 15 minutes with a fresh-from-Benning E3... it has no business in the life-or-death GI Joe arena. I think that's why the 'tards at Bragg were so enamored with those heavy-as-fuck H&K steel mags... you can use them as jack stands to do services on a West Virginia'd 998. They're like side SAPIs.
The stupidest thing I've ever seen is a Beta C-mag being used on a SAW with that adapter. That made me giggle.
I must admit I'm intrigued by the Ares Shrike concept. A lightweight belt-fed carbine-sized piece would be amazing provided the ROF was relatively tame.
Last edited by Plan9; 07-13-2009 at 09:10 PM..