Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
Flinx, believe me, I don't want to get anybody riled up. But come on, telling a Windows Xp user to use Linux, or FreeBSD? Come on, that's like opening a whole other can of worms for the guy.
Then again, I probably should just stay the hell out of everything. Unless boobies are involved. Actually, THAT'S my new policy.
LOL I can relate to that policy. Theres a version of linux out there that actually looks identical to winxp, it's scary.
Besides I really don't consider a person a techie until they have at least ONE nix box running for a year with at least a 3 month stretch of uptime.
Unless the system is for gaming then a unix os would probably be the best solution.
Consider the Acer Aspire 1, comes in both unix (linpus) an XP flavors. I've run them side by side personally and the nix book just flat out spanked XP. Sure theres a learning curve but trust me with all the help out there in IRC, WWW, local library and probably even here setting up and maintaining a nix box is almost easy these days.
If his HDD was bigger, say 100gig, I'd say dual boot for a few months and then decide which os to nuke. 60 gig to xp, 40gig for unix (linux or bsd) seems much more roomier then what he has now and when the decision of which os to keep just resize the partition.
I don't mind the riled up part myself, keeps the blood flowing through the veins nicely
, but hearing the fanboys debating gnome vs kde gets boring fast was my problem....