Originally Posted by ratbastid
Does it matter? Her policy is: don't teach them how things work. Don't teach them how their bodies work, or what happens biologically. Indoctrinate them ONLY to not follow their urges. (That's the "only" part in "abstinence-only", in case you missed that.) I don't really care if her heart's in the right place or she's doing that for "right" reasons. Leaving aside the legislated-morality aspect of it, it's just BAD POLICY.
With no disrespect meant at all to the young woman in question: Grandma Sara only needs to look at who's living in the next bedroom over to see how well that policy works. I don't blame Bristol in the slightest for her unplanned pregnancy. That's a failure of parenting.
Precisely! The biggest problem is teaching abstinence-
only. Kids need the information because most of them will not remain abstinent.